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Journal Cover 24CONTENTS – Everyone’s War

Regular Features
  • Welcome
  • Centre News
  • Book Reviews
  • Journals for sale
  • The Last Post
Special Features
  • Tanks – a history – Major-General Henry Woods
  • Driving a Panzer – Manfred Thorn
  • Our Mobile home – Ken Tout
  • The Flail Regiment – Ian Hammerton
  • Mines and Monasteries – Sam Knowles
  • A Yankie Tankie – Bonifacio Yraguen
  • Monty’s Tanks – Professor J L Cloudsley-Thompson
  • The first tanks firing – Captain Zbigniew Miecskowski
  • Burmese days – Ian Morgan
  • Tanks that swam! – Eric Hamill
  • Flames of victory – E E Cox
  • Close encounters – Major Bill Close
  • An officer’s find – John W Kingstone
  • A refugee’s return – Clive Teddern
  • Memoirs of a wren – Pam Lancaster

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