Journal 38 - Americans Cover


Further references – Journal 38 Americans


See below further references for some of the articles in Journal 38 “Americans”

References – Headland 1940  – List of poets

Lilian Bowes- Lyon ‘Headland 1940’ from ‘Collected Poems’ 1948.

Stevie Smith ‘The Poets are Silent’ from ‘The Collected Poems and Drawings of Stevie Smith’.

T.S.Elliot ‘The Dry Salvages’ from ‘Completed Poems 1909-1962’.

Henry Treece ‘In the Third Year of War’ from ‘The Terrible Rain – The War Poets 1939-1945’.

Roy Fuller ‘Another War’ from ‘Collected Poems from 1936-1961’.

Alan Ross ‘J.W.51B ‘ from ‘Alan Ross Poems-Selected by David Hughes’.

Keith Douglas ‘Vergissmeinnicht’ from ‘The Terrible Rain-The War Poets 1939-1945’.

C.P.S. Denholm Young from ‘Return to Oasis- War Poems & Recollection from the
Middle East 1940- 1946 – 1980.

Dylan Thomas ‘Refusal To Mourn, The Death by Fire of a Child in London’.

Sidney Keyes ‘Europe’s Prisoners’ from ‘Collected Poems’.

Stephen Spender ‘Memento’ from ‘New Collected Poems’.

Mary E. Harrison ‘My Hands’ from ‘British Women’s Poetry of the Second World War’.

Lynette Roberts ‘Raw Salt Eye’ from ‘Collected Poems’.

Paul Dehan ‘Armistice’ from ‘Poetry of the 1940’s’, introduced and edited by Robin Skelton.

The author of the article has tried to use all other quotes in accordance with the guidelines suggested in drawing on Section 30 (1ZA) of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act. Any possible breach of these guidelines has been unintentional. It has not been possible to establish who owns the copyright to Lilian Bowes-Lyons’ poem ‘Headland -1940’. 

References – Argonauts of the Airborne Bibliography

Anon, By Air into Battle: The Official Account of the British Airborne Divisions (London: HMSO, 1945).
Arthur, Max, Men of the Red Beret: Airborne Forces 1940 to the Present (London: Warner Books, 1990).
Eastwood, Stuart, Gray, Charles & Green, Alan, When Dragons Flew: An Illustrated History of The 1st Battalion The Border Regiment 1939-1945 (Kettering: Silver Link Pub Ltd, 2009)
Gale, Gen. Sir Richard, A Call to Arms: An Autobiography (London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd., 1968).
Hickey, Col. Michael, Out of the Sky: A History of Airborne Warfare (London: Mills & Boon Ltd., 1979).
Shears, Gen. Phillip J. Shears, The Story of the Border Regiment, 1939-1945 (London: Nisbet & Co. Ltd., 1948).
St. George Saunders, Hilary, The Red Beret: The Story of the Parachute at War 1940-1945 (London: Odhams Press Ltd., 1958).