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CONTENTS – Everyone’s War – Anniversaries

Regular Features
  • Centre News
  • Book Reviews
  • Journals for sale
  • The Last Post
  • Special Features
  • Note from the Editor– Amanda Herbert-Davies
  • The Last Letter – Goulden Webster
  • Wrens in the War – from the archives
  • Vickers Wellington – John Larder
  • Ditching in the Drink – Fred Oldfield
  • Petard’s Plunder– Reginald Crang
  • Tragedy of SS Khedive Ismail – from the archives
  • Zero Hour at Alemein – Bernard Milner
  • Operation Torch – Jonathan Fenny
  • Attack on Oudna – Eddie Hancock
  • Desert War Poetry – Michael Bully
  • Berlin to Belsen – John Fink
  • A Medic in Belsen – Alan MacAuslan
  • The Interrogator – Major F.B.Hindmarsh
  • War Crimes trials – Patricia Crampton
  • The First American Eagles – Neil Bright
  • The Pembrokeshire Mosquito Men – Emma Herbert-Davies

References and images

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G O 'Boy' Webster SGT RAFVR

portrait - Goulden Webster

In common with thousands of other air crew during the Second World War, RAF pilot Sgt Webster must have had very mixed feelings when he sat down to write a ‘last’ letter to his mother, to be sent to her should he fail to return ......