Do you know of a personal memorial to someone who died in The Second World War in your town or village? Would you like to feature it here, and perhaps understand how it came to be?
Frequently in a chapel or quiet corner, or out in the open air.
Airmen are oft remembered close to where their aircraft came down with a stone or plaque at the edge of a field or a roadside.
Around the world there are thousands of memorials to those lost or injured in World War Two. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission in the UK cares for Graves and memorials to the war dead of the British Empire, United Kingdom and British Commonwealth across the world.
Many towns and villages have Formal War Memorials erected by the council or local dignitaries to those from that place lost to the struggle – Visited annually to be adorned with poppy wreaths, a grateful communities annual pilgrimage to the memory of the fallen.
in some places there are very personal tributes and memory paid to people who died , far from home and often in tragic circumstances. People perhaps never known by those who honour them but by virtue of the place of their end are held in esteem by those who live there. It is these , less visited and adorned sites that we would like to feature.