Based at RAF Winfield. Flt. Sgt. Norwood and his navigator Sgt. Jackson were on a training flight in their Bristol Beaufighter  Mk IIF  – T3038 when the port engine failed, and caused the aircraft to crash, close to Hutton Mill Bridge, just outside Berwick-upon-tweed –  tragically killing both occupants.

The memorial was unveiled on 9th December 2015 and placed on a wall at the Southern end of Hutton Mill Bridge.

On January 4  1943 a Bristol Beaufighter T3038 took off from RAF Winfield (Horndean)   on a training flight, failure of the port led to a crash near Hutton Mill Bridge – tragically killing them both.

Relatives were able to obtain the RAF service record of Sgt Norwood, which gave them details from his date of enlistment, January 1941, until he died in January 1943.
He volunteered and was accepted for pilot training. His application showed a birth date of August 23, 1922, though he was actually born in September 1923  and so was 17 years and four months old.

His initial selection was at Biggin Hill where he passed the assessment for pilot training after 12 hours on a Tiger Moth. Following selection he was sent to the United States under the Arnold Scheme for his training..  gaining his coveted RAF wings as a pilot on March 7, 1942.

Returned to the UK and in October 1942 he was  posted to 54 OTU at RAF Charterhall with a satellite airfield at RAF Winfield.

At Charterhall he teamed up with Sgt. Jackson as his radar operator. They would have completed their training some two weeks after the accident and been posted to one of the night fighter squadron in the UK.

Close  to Charterhall airfield there is a memorial to Charterhall crews as part of the Richard Hilary memorial.

Having recently learned exactly where Beaufighter T3038 crashed, the relatives felt it was right time to commemorate the short lives of both crew,

Hutton Bridge memorial_2

Pilot: Fl/Sgt. Robert Frederick Norwood 1383805 RAFVR Age 19.
lies  in Bournmouth East Cemetery Plot G. Row 6. Grave 156

Nav: Sgt. Irvine Jackson 1198766 RAFVR Age 22.
lies in St. Pancras Cemetery  Sec. 20. R.C. Grave 48.