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Journal Cover 14CONTENTS – Everyone’s War

  • Editorial
  • Bombs over British Towns and Cities — Peter Liddle and Cathy Pugh
  • Fortress by the Danube: Budapest in the Second World War — József Ferenc Holló and Norbert Számvéber
  • Genoa’s War: Bombs, Hunger, Roundups and Resistance — Marco Pluvian
  • Between Conformity and Resistance: The Czech Population of Prague between 1939 and 1945— Stanislav Kokoška
  • The Burning of Frankfurt: A German City and its People, 1939-1945 — Rafael Zagovec
  • Leningrad, 1941-1944 — Sergei Kudryashov
  • New York City in the Second World War: Struggling to Build the World of Tomorrow — Paul Thomsen
  • Halifax, Nova Scotia — Jim Lotz
  • Manchester at War — Ian Whitehead
  • Snippets:
  • Archival Accessions — Peter Liddle
  • Book Reviews and Shorter Notices
  • Correspondence
  • Friends, Subscriptions, Commodities and Other Matters — Trevor Mumford

Everyone’s War – Citizens at War – Price is plus shipping

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