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CONTENTS – Everyone’s War

Journal Cover 28

Regular Features
  • Welcome
  • Centre News
  • Book Reviews
  • Journals for sale
  • The Last Post
Special Features
  • Leaving Burma – Ann Birch
  • Repelling the Japs – Sir Eric Yarrow
  • All change for Harry – Harry Dewar
  • The Forgotten Army – David Annett
  • The Road to Hell – Arthur Wozencroft
  • From War to Law – Rodney Percy
  • Angels and Demons – Kay Browne
  • Life as a Chindit Desmond Earley
  • Mad dash into Burma – Tony Rose
  • From Blighty to Burma – John Bright
  • White City Blues – Cyril V E Gordon
  • Liberators Liberated – Alan Bailes
  • Burma memories – Raymond Ball
  • A Team called Mouse – Jack Grinham

Everyone’s War – Burma – Price is Plus Shipping




Desmond Earley - Lt. Essex Regiment

Like many others of my age I served six and a half years in the army during the Second World War from the age of 21, starting as a private. Much of this period was very humdrum, first learning to be a machine-gunner then moving about the country to repel an enemy who was expected to invade but who never did. Lt Desmond Earley Had he invaded I doubt that I would be here now since with others, I

Major General Orde Wingate 1903 - 1944

Transcript of a Lecture given by Trevor Royle in Edinburgh on 17 September 2002 - © Trevor Royle Wingate's early career. What The Centre (SWWEC) has been doing in Leeds, is of primary importance for anyone who is interested in British history over the past century because history never can be just a matter of dusty dates. It can never be about the way in which one King succeeded another. It can