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1943 Timeline

1st Chindit operation in Burma behind Japanese lines.

Richard ‘Bud’ Heyne starts Flying training in Texas

The Warsaw Ghetto uprising in occupied Poland. Resistance is finally crushed a month later after fierce fighting.

The Dambusters Raid undertaken by 617 Squadron against dams on the rivers Mohne and Eder. Led by Wing Commander Guy Gibson, the 19 Lancasters carried revolving bombs designed by Barnes Wallis. Gibson was awarded the VC.

July 1943 saw the large scale attack on what Churchill called ‘the soft underbelly of Europe’. Allied attack through the losses of Operation Ladbroke and  landings in Sicily in Operation Husky – occupation is completed a month later.

The Allies land in Salerno while German forces occupy Rome. A month later Allied troops enter Naples but the Italian campaign proves to be both lengthy and costly.

The Thai-Burma Railway is completed. Constructed by Asian labourers and Allied POWs, conditions were harsh and thousands died.


November 19th:  Denis Forman leads an attack on a German-held gully near the Sangro river.


December 25th:  Eric Such enjoys Christmas festivities at a restaurant at Cape Cod with his American hosts; an emotional occasion.

December 26th: Battle of the North Cape – sinking of the German battleship  Scharnhorst



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