1941 Timeline

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Allied troops capture Bardia and Tobruk in North Africa. In the next three months the Afrika Korps arrives to support Italian forces and captures El Agheila on the Tripolitanian border. Robert Frederick Norwood enlists in the RAFVR

German cruiser Admiral Hipper attacked the unescorted convoy SLS 64 west of Gibraltar and sank six steamers on Feb12th

Operation Claymore, British Commandos raided the Nazi-occupied Lofoten Islands in Norway; destroying fish oil factories and some 3,600 tons of oil and glycerine and capturing German code information

Yugoslavia surrenders after German attacks. Allies evacuate Greece, however some 9000 troops are captured.

The Battle of the Atlantic continues and with Allied losses mounting.  Elsewhere HMS Hood is sunk by the Bismarck in Denmark Strait. Bismarck is in turn torpedoed and sunk 3 days later. German paratroopers land in Crete.

German invasion of Russia, ‘Operation Barbarossa‘, along 2,900 km front from the Baltic to the Black Sea. George Goodyear is called up into the Royal Navy.

German troops surround Leningrad and seize Kiev. The following month Stalin announces a state of siege in Moscow and the first Arctic convoy (PQ1) arrives, bringing supplies. David M Annett is Commissioned into the 27th Field Regiment RA


John Dee Shapland serves as Commander Royal Artillery (Acting Brigadier) of 2nd Infantry Division.

Japan attacks Pearl Harbor. The Allied nations and USA declare war on Japan.


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